Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

The #1 plagiarism checker for students

Ready to detect all plagiarism?

Upload the document you would like to check for plagiarism.

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Documents are not added to our database and will never be shared.

Price per document
Small document £13.95
Up to 7,500 words
Regular document £22.95
7,500 to 50,000 words
Large document £31.95
50,000+ words

*Prices are per check, not a subscription.

Why students choose Scribbr?

Your plagiarism report within 10 minutes

How it works

1. Upload

Upload a Microsoft Word, PDF or ODT file of your paper, enter your details and pay.

2. Wait a few minutes

Your document is compared to billions of web pages, books, articles and more. This may take a few minutes.

3. Receive the report

Similarities are highlighted and matched to the source. You also receive a plagiarism score.

4. Fix plagiarism

Add missing citations or rewrite your text. Our award-winning Knowledge Base can help you.

Frequently asked questions

At the moment we do not offer a monthly subscription for the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. Plagiarism checks can be bought separately — prices depend on the size of your document.

Small document (up to 7,499 words) £13.95
Normal document (7,500-49,999 words) £22.95
Large document (50,000+ words) £31.95

Similarities in your document are highlighted for quick and easy review. Each colour corresponds to a source in your Sources Overview at the right side of your report.

Information can often be found in more than one place. For this reason, other sources citing the same information you used can come up in your Sources Overview.

The important thing is to make sure you’ve cited the source of the material. Try to find the original source, but if you can’t find it, it’s best to cite the source where you found the information.

Scribbr’s free plagiarism checker estimates the risk of plagiarism by calculating the percentage of text in your document that’s similar to other sources.

A moderate or high risk of plagiarism means that the plagiarism software detected several similarities worth reviewing.

Note that similarities are not necessarily plagiarism. You will need to decide on your own whether your text needs revision or citation.

The free report tells you if your text contains potential plagiarism and other writing issues. The premium report gives you the resources you need to review issues in detail and resolve them.

Free report Premium report (from $19.95)
Plagiarism Checker

  • Plagiarism risk assessment
  • Top matching sources

Grammar Checker

  • Number of writing issues
Plagiarism Checker

  • Precise similarity percentage
  • Complete list of matching sources
  • Document view to quickly review similarities
  • Side-by-side comparison with the original text
  • Upload private documents

Grammar Checker

  • Downloadable Word document with all your writing issues corrected using Track Changes

AI Detector

  • Precise AI writing percentage

Yes, Scribbr offers a limited free version of its plagiarism checker in partnership with Turnitin. It uses Turnitin’s industry-leading plagiarism detection technology and has access to most content databases.

Run a free plagiarism check

If you’re a university representative, you can contact the sales department of Turnitin.

Scribbr is an authorized Turnitin partner

If you’ve correctly cited all the sources you used, then you do not need to use a plagiarism checker before submitting your paper to your instructor. However, it is very easy to commit plagiarism accidentally, even if you’ve been very careful. To ensure that you didn’t forget to cite anything, you should use a plagiarism checker yourself.

plagiarism checker works by using advanced database software to scan for matches between your text and existing texts.

To help you decide which checker to use, we conducted in-depth research comparing popular plagiarism checkers to find out which one is best.

Best plagiarism checker comparison

Your work should not contain any plagiarism. Even if your score is 1%, you will need to review each similarity and decide whether it’s necessary to revise your work.

But contrary to popular belief, plagiarism checkers work by detecting not plagiarism, but similarities. Not all similarities found by the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker constitute plagiarism. Our check sometimes flags the following:

  • Properly cited quotes
  • In-text citations or your reference list
  • Commonly used phrases

    What should I do with a found similarity?

    Extensive testing proves that Scribbr’s plagiarism checker is one of the most accurate plagiarism checkers on the market in 2022.

    The software detects everything from exact word matches to synonym swapping. It also has access to a full range of source types, including open- and restricted-access journal articles, theses and dissertations, websites, PDFs, and news articles.

    Scribbr’s plagiarism checker offers complete support for 20 languages, including English, Spanish, German, Arabic, and Dutch.

    The add-on AI Detector and AI Proofreader are only available in English.

    The complete list of supported languages:

    • Arabic
    • Bosnian
    • Croatian
    • Czech
    • Danish
    • Dutch
    • English
    • Finnish
    • French
    • German
    • Greek
    • Italian
    • Norwegian
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Serbian
    • Spanish
    • Swedish
    • Turkish

    Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker, namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases.

    The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbr’s proprietary software.

    Your document will be compared to the world’s largest and fastest-growing content database, containing over:

    • 99.3 billion current and historical webpages
    • 8 million publications from more than 1,700 publishers such as Springer, IEEE, Elsevier, Wiley-Blackwell, and Taylor & Francis

    Note: Scribbr does not have access to Turnitin’s global database with student papers. Only your university can add and compare submissions to this database.

    Your writing stays private. Your submissions to Scribbr are not published in any public database, so no other plagiarism checker (including those used by universities) will see them.

    If your university uses Turnitin, the result will be very similar to what you see at Scribbr.

    The only possible difference is that your university may compare your submission to a private database containing previously submitted student papers. Scribbr does not have access to these private databases (and neither do other plagiarism checkers).

    Luckily, many papers, theses, and dissertations are also published in public databases that Scribbr does have access to.